
Illustration Friday POEM

For this illustration I started with a pencil sketch, sharpie for definition, illustrator and photoshop for text and color.

One of my reasons for wanting to have children while I'm still considered "young" (though today I feel especially worn out and old) is that I want to be able to jump rope with them...
And go for bike rides and play kickball.
Some of my favorite childhood activities will be legit for me to participate in under the guise of "parenting".


rachel stoleru haim said...

That's a preety illo. I think that the rope in her hands should be made out of text, like the circles in the background. The second take on "discovery" looks much better!

Crystal said...

Oooh! Rachel, that's a genius idea! Thanks for the advice :)

Kathy - Pink Chalk Studio said...

My full name is Mary Kathleen Mack, it always gives me a smile to see or hear that rhyme.