

Here's my latest (incomplete) favorite: chubby baby.

Among my many aspirations for 2009 these are included:

  • Draw every day. EVERY DAY!
  • Make time for daily introspection and meditation (great ideas and clear thinking happen best during this time and I sure could use some of that these days)
  • Write weekly journal entries (not blog journaling, pen and paper journaling)
  • Cook more international cuisine...or at least TRY to.
What are your goals for the upcoming year? I always love reading what people would like to accomplish. Leave them in the comments section or leave a link to your blog if you've typed it up there and I'll stop over to cheer you on!

Happiest New Year!!


Anonymous said...

I just love your blog. Been following for a while.

I have no goals as of yet. This week though, my goal is to make a list of resolutions for 2009. Your list is great. I'm with you on the drawing every day!

Honeycombs said...

I have been thinking a lot about the things that I need to change and do better at.
1. serve more (I have noticed that when I am watching for oppurtunities to serve they are everywhere)
2. Run and lift weights more (it just always makes me happy)

Liz said...

Hey Crystal,
I love the drawing.
I've been giving this new year's resolution a lot of thought. There are so many things I want to accomplish but have to narrow down to some "doable" items!
here's mine:
1. making running part of my daily routine.
2. meditate daily (just like yours!)
3.take a photo of something beautiful each day
4. Write at least one sentence in my daily journal.

I think we can do it, don't you??

Otherwise, I hope you and your family have a very Happy New Year!!

happyv said...

love the drawing, love the list. :)

i'll be cheering you on especially on the drawing everyday part! and cooking more international cuisine!

happyv said...

so how's the drawing everyday coming along? ^_^

psst! i tagged ya!

Crystal said...

aak! I'll get on that ASAP.

Lindy said...

Crys, I've got some fun international cuisine recipes you can try, if you're up for it. Or who knows, maybe you're hoping for something really exotic. Let me know and I can send you an email.

Anonymous said...

Love your drawings.. Love your blog. I think you will appreciate one of my goals for 2009.

By some random choice I was given the calling as Primary Chorister.. Okay you know my singing ability, remember when you tried to teach me that Love One Another song? So my goal is to be able to at least learn more about music and also teach the gospel through this amazing primary songs. If you have any ideas since you are MRS CREATIVITY over here please shout out.

BIG HUGS... Natalie

Maleina said...
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